What has Primacy for You Right Now?

For high performers who naturally have a lot going on, prioritizing can be hard for two reasons. It requires we:

  1. be honest with ourselves about what’s truly most important right now

  2. get comfortable saying “no”

Not everything can be equally important at the same time. We know from neuroscience that we must focus to be effective. We have to identify what has primacy for us at this moment, at this time, in our life to make the best decisions about where we spend our limited energy, resources, and time.

This short video provides a tool for identifying our PRIMACY: the most important thing to get right at this moment:

Our primacy will change as our lives evolve, so it’s wonderful to have this tool to anchor us in this moment. Then revisit your primacy with this tool every six months or so to ensure your focused where it matters most in that moment.

Tip: notice the instruction to identify where you have the greatest SATISFACTION GAP. Therein lies your primacy.


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